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Indonesian anchovy crackers (peyek teri)

Peyek is a fried dough crackers, which are a common complimentary side dish that add a crispy texture to meals.

Peyek is an Indonesian traditional cracker. The crackers can be served as a side dish to your meal or just as snacks. The crackers was made by mixing rice flour and tapioca flour with many spices. It can be made entirely vegetarian (using peanuts) or non-vegetarian. I made the non-vegetarian one, which is one of my favorite growing-up Peyek Teri (anchovies crackers).


Fresh spices ingredients:

3-4 big Shallots

5-6 cloves garlic

4 candlenuts

5 kefir lime leaves thinly sliced (remove middle bone)

1 lime juice

Dry spices:

4 teaspoons coriander powder

2 teaspoons curry powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1.5 teaspoon coconut sugar

Other ingredients:

2 cups rice flour

3/4 cup tapioca flour

1 egg

1 cup coconut milk

2 cups of water (add more if the batter is still too thick)

50 grams of small dry anchovies

3 cups cooking oil


  1. Wash the anchovies and soak them in a bowl of water.

  2. Squeezed lime juice into the anchovies. Let it soak for 30 minutes. Adding the lime juice to the anchovies will help eliminate the fishy smell.

  3. Combine the shallots, garlic, and candlenuts in the food processor, add water, and blend all the ingredients.

  4. In a different bowl, combine the rice flour and tapioca flour.

  5. Add all of the fresh and dry spices into the flour mix.

  6. Add the egg and mix.

  7. Pour the water, followed by the coconut milk. Mix all the ingredients until all combined into a thin batter. If the batter still looks too thick, add more water.

  8. Prep the wok to fry; heat the wok on medium-high heat, and add the oil.

  9. Once the oil is hot and ready, using the cooking spatula, add some oil to the side of the wok.

  10. Once the wok is prep, use a laddle to scoop the batter. Pour the batter along the side of the work above the oil.

  11. Keep adding oil to the side of the work until the batter that sticks to the wok releases from it.

  12. Keep frying until the batter turns light brown.

  13. Remove the fried batter and drain it.

  14. It’s ready to be served as a side dish to your meal.


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